Doug Bierend | Civil Eats


Doug Bierend is a freelance writer based in the Hudson Valley. He is the author of In Search of Mycotopia: Citizen Science, Fungi Fanatics, and the Untapped Potential of Mushrooms.

Can New York City Treat Its Food Scraps As More Than Trash?

Garbage bags full of waste, including compostable waste, pile up on the streets of new york city.

Managing ‘Brown Gold’: the Challenges—and Opportunities—of Spent Substrate

Fruiting mushrooms in substrate. (Photo courtesy of Tivoli Mushrooms)

Building an Alternative Supply Chain for Shiitake Mushroom Growers

shiitake mushrooms growing on a shiitake log

The New York Artist Reintroducing Wild, Edible Foods

Candace Thompson standing in nature with edible plants