Comments on: Reviving Breadfruit, the Polynesian Staple, Could Nourish People and Fight Climate Change Daily News and Commentary About the American Food System Mon, 27 Nov 2023 17:57:29 +0000 hourly 1 By: Anita Mayer Fri, 02 Jul 2021 00:15:02 +0000 very interesting article! i had never heard of breadfruit until now. I’m going to search for those crackers mentioned and give them a try. I enjoy baking and have been practicing with all the alternative flours i can get my hands on as i have some dear friends who have so many allergies but still enjoy baked goods. Especially during the holidays!

By: THEROOTMATTERS Tue, 08 Jun 2021 17:10:43 +0000 David Neimanis, once again, contributes to building and shaping our communities. It is literally a crying shame that breadfruit was replaced by annuals, many of which have become questionable commodities, for multiple reasons.

The fact that greedy food industry pirates rob us of once abundant foods, via their unilateral decisions, must be addressed once and for all. We want our diversity of foods. We do not want monocultures destroying our lands and health.

The opportunity to make such diverse food items from breadfruit is a blessing, especially compared to the usual commodities available. Simply reading about breadfruit, and viewing the photos, was a mouth watering experience.

I am looking forward to tasting some ripe breadfruit and one day seeing a breadfruit tree, or two or three, as a common addition in the yards of many.

By: Michael Brown Fri, 07 May 2021 18:22:43 +0000 Nice article. Breadfruit and other traditional tropical crops have gone through cycles through human history of expansion and decrease in use and consumption. Breadfruit’s modern-day global expansion paralleled with the expansion of slavery as it was a major low-cost crop used to feed slaves. It once again has huge potential with modern innovation to expand as the growing plant-based movement grows. This time it will be consumed by people living under better circumstances.
